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Crônicas agudas de um cérebro em um jarro criada e mantida por
Esta página está sendo mantida online por motivos históricos e não é mais atualizada. Meu novo weblog está em http://cronicasredux.blogspot.com
Language Disclaimer : To all my foreign (as in non-brazilian) visitors, my sincere apologies. This weblog is written strictly in brazilian portuguese (pt-br).
segunda-feira, junho 27, 2005 saído diretamente do jarro
John C. Reilly - Mr. Cellophane - Chicago OST (Gnutella) - (eDonkey)
I'm the father. Papa, dada. Did you hear me ?I know you didn't hear me. That's the story of my life. Nobody ever knows I'm around. Nobody. Not even my parents noticed me. One day I went to school and when I came home... they'd moved.
If someone stood up in a crowd And raised his voice up way out loud And waved his arm And shook his leg You'd notice him
If someone in the movie show Yelled "fire in the second row, This whole place is a powder keg" You'd notice him
And even without clucking like a hen Everyone gets noticed, now and then, Unless, of course, that personage should be Invisible, inconsequential Me
Cellophane Mister cellophane Should have been my name Mister cellophane 'Cause you can look right through me Walk right by me And never know I'm there
I tell ya Cellophane Mister cellophane Should have been my name Mister cellophane 'Cause you can look right through me Walk right by me And never know I'm there
Suppose you was a little cat Residing in a person's flat Who fed you fish And scratched your ears You'd notice him
Suppose you was a woman wed And sleeping in a double bed Beside one man for seven years You'd notice him
A human being's made of more than air With all that bulk, you're bound to see him there Unless that human being next to you Is unimpressive, undistinguished You know who
Should have been my name Mister cellophane 'Cause you can look right through me Walk right by me And never know I'm there
I tell ya Cellophane Mister cellophane Should have been my name Mister cellophane 'Cause you can look right through me Walk right by me And never know I'm there Never even know I'm there
I am driving up 85 in the Kind of morning that lasts all afternoon I'm just stuck inside the gloom
Four more exits to my apartment but I am tempted to keep the car in drive And leave it all behind
Cause I wonder sometimes About the outcome Of a still verdictless life
Am I living it right Am I living it right Am I living it right Why, why Georgia, why
I rent a room and I fill the spaces with Wood in places to make it feel like home But all I feel's alone
It might be a quarter-life crisis Or just the stirring in my soul Either way
I wonder sometimes About the outcome Of a still verdictless life
Am I living it right Am I living it right Am I living it right Why, why Georgia, why
So what ? So I've got a smile on It's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head
Don't believe me Don't believe me When I say I've got it down
Everybody is just a stranger But that's the danger in going my own way I guess it's a price I have to pay Still 'everything happens for a reason' Is no reason not to ask myself
If I am living it right Am I living it right Am I living it right Why, why Georgia, why